Sentinel 6 is an Afro-futuristic anime about a post war Earth, following the invasion of intergalactic terrorists. In a desperate cry for help, the Earth’s Sentinel spirit splits and imbues itself into 6 beacons across the world, the Sentinel 6! With the powers of the Sentinel’s Mind, Heart, Hands, Feet, Sword and Shield – the six warriors are destined to protect Earth against the evils of Krath Mudaak.
Saint Dubois, a stellar student-athlete, is days away from achieving his dream – attending the most prestigious Blik program and following in the footsteps of his favorite athlete. However, a last-minute recruitment combined with family woes, puts a wrench in his plan. Now, instead of being a starter at his dream school, he must battle with the talented and intimidating Ali Washington for Lead Stryker elsewhere. Tensions continue to build off the field as the two discover more about the other. As they travel the world with Rane playing Blik, they have run-ins with Kalani Walker, Chafalumisa and Zhu Zianing – people that alter their future forever.
As a result of the Great Phoenix War 429 years ago, Krath Mudaak became the last Zeronian after losing his entire race to hands of Earth’s Sentinel. Fueled by rage, Krath’s only focus is to avenge his ancestors by completing the mission, destroying Earth and consuming its core. Learning from his ancestor’s failure, Krath takes a different approach by cementing himself within Earth’s infrastructure, forcing it to crumble from within. With the guidance of Sankofa, an Earth resident for over 600 years, the six understand their destiny to protect the planet. Realizing that Krath Mudaak is the root of all evils, the six must put their differences aside, come together and defeat him. Failure means the destruction of earh and ultimately the galaxy!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Kickstarter. We raised almost 125% percent with your support! See below for the trailer!